All the benefits found in the larger scales - no track cleaning or complicated layout wiring - apply equally well in 4mm scale.
Older diesel locomotives with empty bodies are the simplest to convert. The process consists of disconnecting the motor from the rails and connecting it instead to a LC302 microprocessor speed controller. 10 700mAh 2/3AF NiMH rechargeable batteries are fitted which provide ample power for the model to provide about 3 hours of continuous running with a reasonable load (the model uses very little current when stopped). A radio control receiver is also fitted into the model to provide the radio link. A recharging socket is fitted into the fuel tank which is completely hidden when the model is on the track. The model is switched off by fitted a blank recharging plug into this socket.
Radio control operation of model railways offers very considerable advantages over conventional methods. It allows true 'cab control' - you actually control each model from within the model itself, so there are no problems running more than one train on a track. There are no sectioning worries or need for other complicated wiring. This means that you can perform complicated shunting or banking manoeuvres without worrying about switching the track power, resulting in a change in the way you operate the railway to focus more on running trains.
The smallest model converted to date is a Lima Class 08 shunter with an Impetus chassis and Postescap 12 volt RG4 motor and 4 AAA batteries giving a scale 30 mph.
Antenna Models Brandon House Bentinck Drive Troon Ayrshire KA10 6HX Scotland +44 (0)1292 311 903